Electric supply of consumers distant from power centers

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The article deals with the problems of power supply to consumers remote from power centers and consumers living in zones with low population density. Statistical data on the number of consumers are given. A comparative analysis of possible options for solving the problem of providing electricity to this category of consumers was carried out. The options for using a centralized energy system, obtaining energy using autonomous power sources, using different types of fuel and renewable energy, their technical and economic potential are considered. The current position of the state in solving the problem of power supply to consumers remote from the power supply centers is considered. In the course of studying the problem, it was found out that in the general case the solution of the problem of supplying electric power to a specific remote consumer is determined by a set of a considerable amount of initial information and is not univariant.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14770253

IDR: 14770253

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