Ethnic history of Eurasia in the concept of ethno-genesis by L.N. Gumilev

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The article discusses some aspects of L.N. Gumilev ’s concept on the origin and development of ethnic groups. The similarities and differences in views of Gumilev and scientists Eurasians are analyzed: first of all, his scientific ideas in the understanding of the processes of history in general, and of Eurasia in particular are submitted. According to his conclusions, the rhythms of Eurasia were determined by passionate points. The domination of one or the other forces and the complex process of forming Eurasia as a unified wholeness depended on them in different periods of history. The contribution of the scientist to the study of the history of the Eurasian peoples, to the problems of ethnic groups of the Great steppe is emphasized. Gumilev elaborated the original and new interpretation on the basis of scientific analysis of historical evidences of the role played by the Turkic and Mongolian peoples in the history of Russia. In his works he formulated and widely developed the evidential version of natural brotherhood between the Russian people and the Turkic and Mongolian peoples. This concept was treated by the scientist not only as the most important scientific achievement, but also as a moral imperative. 111 Евразийство и мир 3/2014 In the article the great attention is paid to Gumilev ’s researches of the past and prospects for Russia's development in his works «From Rus to Russia: essays on the ethnic history», «Ancient Rus and the Great Steppe».


Eurasianism, concept of ethnogenesis, ethnic history

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IDR: 148317936

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