Ethnodemographic processes in the perceptions of student youth in the context of special military operation and strengthening the eastern vector of country development

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The article presents the results of a sociological study of the student youth of the Republic of Buryatia on issues related to ethnodemographic processes occurring in the region, amidst the turn of Russian policy towards the East. The author of the article demonstrates how students perceive the changes taking place in the country in the context of interethnic relations, and also describes the perception of students towards people of other nationalities, reflecting on the peculiarities of this perception depending on the influence of ethnocultural traditions of the region on the values and behavioral attitudes of youth. In the conditions of a special military operation, there is a reassessment of the role and place of migrants in the system of social relations, including the regional level. The article describes the attitude of students towards the call for migrants to participate in the special military operation. To sum up, the author concludes that the established system of interethnic relations in the region amidst Russia's turn towards the East will remain stable against serious conflicts, but significant changes in the national composition of people residing in the Republic of Buryatia may occur quite rapidly, which could cause significant fluctuations both in the region's economy and in the sociocultural sphere.


Ethnicity, migration, nation, border territories, society, interethnic relations, special military operation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329199   |   DOI: 10.18101/2949-1657-2024-1-3-11

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