Evolution of natural complexes of the floodplain and the first floodplain terrace of the Yenisei river in the Holocene

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The research objective was studying humus and its fractional structure as important diagnostic sign of gen-esis on the example of paleoploss of floodplain and the first floodplain terrace of middle watercourse of the Ye-nisei. The objects of the research were geological cuts of sedimentary deposits of the floodplain and the first floodplain terrace of the Yenisei River with containing horizons paleoploss, entering the "Evolutions of Envi-ronment of the Holocene of Siberia" Database, located in the territory of the South of the Yenisei Siberia in for-est-steppe and steppe natural zones. The main method of research was paleoecological monitoring. Paleopedo-logic method was one of the methods of paleoecological research when studying paleoploss, buried in the thick-ness of rainfall. Depending on environment conditions the part of organic substances as a result of "transfor-mations" forms difficult specific organic compounds which received the name of humic substances. The most characteristic part of humus also consists of them...


Holocene, paleoploss, organic substance, humus, fractional structure (cgk: cfk), climatic indicators, climate, floodplain, floodplain terraces, yenisei river

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140238098

IDR: 140238098

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