Evolution of bridal makeup: exploring trends and timeless elegance

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This scientific article presents a study on the evolution of bridal makeup, with a focus on exploring trends and timeless elegance. Bridal makeup plays a crucial role in creating a unique look on a wedding day, and its style has evolved over time under the influence of various factors. The paper provides an analysis of the historical roots of bridal makeup, its development throughout different eras, and its correlation with socio-cultural trends. Special attention is given to the impact of fashion, the film industry, and technology on modern bridal makeup trends, as well as the preservation of classic techniques that remain relevant to this day.


Bridal makeup, makeup origins, makeup trends, makeup development

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170200211

IDR: 170200211   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2023-7-1-52-55

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