Evolution of competition theories: models and tools of competition

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The article presents a retrospective analysis of competition theories evolution. Over three centuries, the competition forms and competitive relations have become much more complex. Later theories have come to abandon the postulates of earlier theories. The initial idea of perfect competition was replaced by the idea for state regulation of competition. There has been a replacement of the “head-on” competition model with various models for evading competition (leaving into market segments, strategy of differentiation), and even cooperation with competitors (co-competition). Competition between independent enterprises prevailed until the 1990s. The competition is now shifting to another level. Competition takes place between value chains, between groups of related enterprises, between economic clusters. The global level of competition is becoming more and more decisive. The main competitiveness factors are expanding innovations, strategic management, cooperation of value chains participants as new competition form, a new task for state - formation of network communities and clusters. The relevance of research on region competitiveness is significantly increasing.


Competition, evolution of theories, competition models, competition levels, competition forms, competitiveness

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142236170

IDR: 142236170   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2538

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