Juvenile justice in Russia: pros and cons

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In the study complex analysis of the condition of juvenile justice in Rus-sia is carried out. The questions concerning its concept of interpretation of various authors, such as E.B. Melnikova, A.V. Komarnitsky, V.D. Ermakov, V.V. Pankratov, etc. are considered. It is noted that despite available experi-ence in informative legal and organizational designation of juvenile justice, there is noticeable decrease of the activity on its introduction. The points of the view of the opponents of juvenile justice are given. At the same time the expediency of its existence locates in Russia. The offers on updating of the bill "About Bases of the System of Juvenile Justice" are submitted. The provi-sion of adopted resolution "About Practice of Application of the Legislation by Court at Settlement of Disputes, the Rights Connected with Protection and Legitimate Interests of the Child at Direct Threat of his Life and Health, and also at Restriction of Parental Rights" of the Supreme Court of the Rus-sian Federation at the Plenum in November 14, 2017 (No. 44) are consid-ered. The document demanded by the Russian society, capacious according to the contents and volume has complex character and contains explana-tions of both material, and procedural character. Offers on further introduc-tion of juvenile justice are provided in Russia. Summing up the result of con-ducted research, it is expedient to conclude that juvenile justice, despite am-biguous attitude towards it, develops and finds legal support taking into ac-count real requirements of modern Russian society. The pledge of its ad-vance and development is protection of interests of minors and a family which as it is noted in the Constitution of the Russian Federation is under state protection.


Juvenile, juvenile justice, protection of minors' rights, childhood, offense, crime, justice, police, abuse of parental rights, child abuse, fami-ly, regulatory legal protection, dep-rivation of parental rights

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140224471

IDR: 140224471

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