On the history of Russian opinion journalism during the first years of post "time of troubles" period
Автор: Solodkin Yankel Gusmanovich
Журнал: Вестник Нижневартовского государственного университета @vestnik-nvsu
Рубрика: Отечественная история
Статья в выпуске: 2, 2014 года.
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Contrary to recent opinions, “The Tale of Muskovite days, tzars and saints” (Russian: “Словеса дней, царей и святителей московских”; Slovesa dney, tzarey y svyatiteley moskovskikh ) - a remarkable work of the Russian opinion journalism created during post “time of troubles” period - should be attributed to knyaz (royal nobility rank) I.A.Khvorostinin. It’s believed that the copyist didn’t make a mistake with a title “The Tales of the victories of Muscovite State” as it was the author’s intention to tell the reader about the recent hardships that the country went through.
1620s opinion journalism, attribution, "the tale of muscovite days, "the tales of muscovite state victories", tzars and saints", i.a.khvorostinin, author's intention
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