On the problem of conflict of interest on the public service settlement: a "step by step" algorithm

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Conflict of interest settlement is an essential task for the public authorities as well as the appearance of conflict in the field of management leads to a reduction in the efficiency of the decision-making of public officials, as well as to the development of corrupt relations in the functioning of the government. Conflict of interest is treated as a situation where personal interests affect the performance of an official of his duties, resulting in the official’s reception of specific benefits to the material or non-material nature. In the analysis of the term "conflict of interest" should understand what the personal interest is. This paper presents the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the conflict of interest on the public service; a model for its settlement is proposed.


Conflict of interest, public service, personal interest, model, the settlement of the algorithm

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142233721

IDR: 142233721

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