On the issue of digital transformation of library collections of modern libraries

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The author shows the close relationship of library technologies with the composition of the fund in terms of technology for storing, searching and providing of the fund's resources to users, as well as with the nature of the information space in which library services are provided. The author presents the library as a complex dynamic system, the optimal management of which is possible only on the basis of an analysis of a number of statistical indicators characterizing its condition. The author shows that the analysis of the state of the library is possible only on the basis of modeling library processes related to the library fund. The digitalization of society and the development of Internet network technologies in the last decade have radically changed the conditions of existence of libraries in the general information space, as well as changed the ratio of traditional resources on physical media and online electronic resources in library collections, in favor of the latter. This transformation gives libraries the opportunity to develop library technologies at the current level of information technology development. The author shows that this is possible only through the development of analytical methods for modeling library activities using theories and methods of higher mathematics. The author notes that the realization of such an opportunity requires a revision of the profile of basic knowledge required by a modern librarian.


Library fund, digital transformation, library network resources, mathematical modeling, library and information activities

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144163025

IDR: 144163025

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