Physical culture as a means of forming professional competitiveness of students

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The problem of competitiveness has recently become especially urgent for young people and is a delayed result of education, since it is determined not so much by the current demand for and employment of a graduate as by his mobility in the labor market, the long success of his professional career. Modern society requires improving the quality of vocational education, a high level of professional training and needs competitive specialists that meet the requirements of professional standards. A special specificity is manifested in this regard in the training of engineering personnel, since the activities of an engineer managing technologically complex processes require greater returns, considerable intellectual, moral and physical costs, a high level of professional culture formation. The article considers the problem of forming the competitiveness of a future specialist as one of the main problems facing higher education institutions. Competitiveness of the student, his professional mobility should be ensured by the high quality of the results of educational activity, the system integration of which ensures the formation of a mobile personality, a person free and responsible, capable of creative activity, ready for a large-scale realization of their potential opportunities...


Students, competitiveness, physical culture, physical exercises, sports, personal qualities, future specialist

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