On the issue of the state ideology and Putin’s «green vector»

Автор: Gonchar O.N.

Журнал: Власть @vlast

Рубрика: Идеи и смыслы

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2024 года.

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The present article within the ideological discourse initiated by the Russian President considers a biopolitical projects on the state ideology and represents a new view of the ideological determinant of the global civilizational confrontation, which is the bio-conflict reminiscence of the Roman-Punic rivalry in the current geopolitical context, «Carthaginian revenge» on the new turn of the historical spiral. F. Fukuyama’s thesis on the end of ideologies is inadequate and has the political-technology lobbying nature of a liberal world pattern, which is rapidly regressing into transhumanism. The political history of mankind is the history of the continuing civilizational West-East confrontation, antism and Phoenicianism where a multicultural intermediate link of this confrontation is Russia which is facing now as it did thousands of years ago an important issue on choosing the future way of the development. Respectively, only one out of five bioinstinctivistically tested alternatives can be recommended to the government as a non-alternative project of a popular state ideology under conditions of extraordinary political challenges of our time. Biopolitically calculated and scientifically verified ideology of victory ensures the return of global leadership to Russia.


State ideology, national idea, econaturalism, eshmunism, neopunism, neocarphagenism

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170202368

IDR: 170202368   |   DOI: 10.31171/vlast.v32i1.9969

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