On the issue of the system of principles of legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity

Бесплатный доступ

The article proposes to make a primary classification of the principles of legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity in accordance with the main purpose and functions of regulation of this type of economic activity. According to the author, the main directions of legal influence (functions) are the authorization of entrepreneurial activity and ensuring the inadmissibility of causing harm from its implementation. The principle of freedom of entrepreneurial activity and its correlation with other principles of legal regulation are analyzed in detail. In the system of principles, it is proposed to distinguish the basic principles and principles of the level of state regulation as fundamental, based directly on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and more flexible, reflecting the current needs of the current moment.


Business activity, legal regulation, principles of law, purposes and functions of regulation, state regulation, freedom of entrepreneurial activity, freedom of competition, development and restriction of entrepreneurial activity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147237846

IDR: 147237846

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