To the question of the essence of the concept of «staff motivation»

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This article is devoted to topical scientific and practical issues directly related to the disclosure of the essence and nature of the concept of «staff motivation». The author pays increased attention to the conceptual and theoretical aspects of motivation, as well as to various definitions of this concept contained in the scientific literature. A detailed study of a significant number of works (dissertations and abstracts of dissertations, monographs, publications in scientific media, articles in collections of scientific and scientific-practical conferences at various levels, etc.) by domestic authors has clearly shown that over the past fifteen years, the object of research, first of all, the following questions and aspects of the conceptual-theoretical plan appeared: the essence and specificity of motivation; motivation as a management factor; types of motivation; methods of motivation; motivation and stimulation; organizational culture and motivation (their relationship and interdependence); assessment of motivation and the role of motivation in assessing the quality of an enterprise; the impact of motivation on the efficiency of the quality of the enterprise (organization, company, etc.); the effectiveness of staff motivation and its assessment; experience of motivation and its use; motivation of personnel work abroad and its specificity, etc. The article highlights the key - existing at the moment - scientific approaches to the interpretation of such a complex and multifaceted socio-economic category, which is motivation. We are talking about systemic, factorial and functional approaches. In turn, the author proposes to use the so-called «axiological» approach, based on the basic category «value», when analyzing the main components of the concept of «staff labor motivation» and its essence.


Motivation, personnel labor motivation, motive, incentive, material motivation, non-material motivation, needs, interests, values, universal values, value orientations, value approach, axiological approach

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IDR: 142225131   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1460

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