To the issue of solid municipal waste in the Irkutsk region

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The article presents data on solid municipal waste (SMW) in the Irkutsk region as the main source of pollution of urban and suburban ecosystems. SMW is currently the most massive and dangerous type of waste, which can lead to irreversible consequences. In Russia, very active attention is being paid to the issues of waste collection and recycling in recent years. The objectives, which the authors set themselves, are a detailed analysis of the situation of SMW in the Irkutsk region. Special attention is focused on the location of already existing facilities as well as planned until 2027 ones. Unfortunately, the population of the Irkutsk region is not yet ready for mass separation of garbage according to its origin and recyclability, but a number of measures are proposed to change the situation. Statistical, comparative-geographical, cartographical and the method of comparative analysis and synthesis were used. The paper presents an analysis of the work of regional operators in accordance with the federal project “Integrated system of SMW management” carried out for the first time. The amount of waste taken to landfills in the Irkutsk region should be reduced by half by 2030 while sorted waste should gain 100 per cent of all garbage thrown away. The study results in the following conclusions: the region is not ready for processing and recycling of certain categories of waste such as glass or galvanic elements. There are simply no recycling facilities for a number of wastes, which leads to uncontrolled emissions and disturbance of the environment (soil, water, and atmospheric air) but the Government of Russia and the Irkutsk Region authorities are actively reforming the system of SMW management.


Hazard class, recycling, landfill, waste disposal, solid municipal waste, utilization, territorial distribution, storage

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IDR: 14128628   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/23-3/09

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