On the issue of co-operation between the investigator with bodies of enquiry in detecting, uncovering and investigating money laundering as a result of timber smuggling

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Introduction: сriminalisation of the timber industry poses a threat to the economic and environmental security of our state. In the Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 1 December 2010. "It is noted that the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs considers organisation of counteraction to shadow processes at forestry enterprises, detection and documentation of economic and tax crimes at enterprises and organisations engaged in logging activities as one of the priority areas of activity of internal affairs bodies. However, despite the measures taken, the operational situation at forestry facilities, as the analysis of practice shows, continues to be difficult. The high market value of timber and timber products, the constant growth of income received as a result of timber smuggling, the possibility of legalization of criminally obtained funds in order to legitimize the possession, use and disposal of these funds, determines the constant criminal interest of a fairly wide range of persons in such illegal activities. One of the conditions for effective counteraction to money laundering and improving the effectiveness of the detection, disclosure and investigation of these crimes is the close interaction of the investigator with the bodies carrying out the ORD, the inquiry. Improving the forms of interaction taking into account the specifics of the crime is the need of practice and the task of forensic science.


Investigator, body of inquiry, interaction, legalization, detection and investigation of crimes, timber smuggling

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182509

IDR: 143182509   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.73.12.024

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