On the question of protection of a person that, in good faith, assumes that asset transferred to him is not encumbered with a pledge

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The author analyzes existing in the Russian and European experience in protecting the right of a person who is not aware of the fact that you are buying them a thing is pledged. Considers, in particular, the main provisions of the Concept of civil legislation of the Russian Federation and the draft amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Concludes that, despite the contradictions prevailing in Russia on the issue of judicial practice, the Russian law and order in general tends to perceive the approaches developed European countries.

Mortgage, bona fide acquisition of property, concept of civil legislation of the russian federation, draft amendments to the civil code of the russian federation, acquired thing is pledged

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170172606

IDR: 170172606

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