Administrative arrangement of the early Byzantine taurica: numismatic evidence

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This study examined numismatic material as means of dealing with unexplored issues of the Byzantine Taurica history. The objects of the study are Chamnu-Burun treasure and rare coins casted in Cherson and put into circulation under Basil I the Macedonian. It should be noted that they became the objects of research for a reason. The point is that the coins created on the barbarian territory are more valuable from the historical and numismatic viewpoints. First of all, this was the territory of the Byzantine Empire. Second, it is important to appreciate our forerunners' progress in researching this treasure, as their findings have become the base for the theory that there was a state in the mountains of Tauric Peninsula in the early Middle Ages. The Byzantine coins of the Tauric cast are valuable as well, because they are a most widespread artifact. When studying the coins, we applied the strategy developed for the Byzantine coins of Cherson casted at different times. Moreover, considering new findings there was a need to justify our position about the attribution of Cherson- Byzantine cast coin with the symbol of «B» on the head side and with a cross surrounded by an inscription on the tail side...


Byzantine empire, taurica, cherson, chamnu-burun treasure, numismatology

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IDR: 14116903

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