On the organization of prosecutorial oversight of marketplaces

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Introduction: Due to the growth of online retail trade in Russia, many online resources for the sale of goods and services - marketplaces - have emerged. Their activity is associated with the participation of many subjects of legal relations, which leads to legal problems in their regulation. Absence of special legal regulation of relations between sellers and marketplaces and dispositive nature of civil law create opportunities for wide autonomy of marketplaces to establish rights and obligations of employees, sellers and entrepreneurs. This leads to unreasonable penalties when dealing with marketplaces, which may negatively affect the development of entrepreneurship in Russia. In this regard, the authors call for the introduction of special legal regulation of the activities of marketplaces, as well as the implementation and strengthening of prosecutorial supervision over their activities, aimed at protecting the interests of small entrepreneurs and workers from abuse by marketplaces. The authors put forward the position that the activities of marketplaces can be the object of different directions of prosecutor's supervision. The authors point to the need for stricter regulation of the activities of marketplaces and to strengthen the prosecutor's supervision over them in order to protect the legitimate interests of all participants of legal relations and to ensure the development of entrepreneurship in Russia.


Prosecutorial supervision, marketplace, violation of the rights of employees, protection of the interests of entrepreneurs, compliance with legislation, areas of prosecutorial supervision, special knowledge

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182332

IDR: 143182332   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.20.98.022

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