On the issue of control of civil weapons traffic in the Russian Federation

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Introduction: the article examines the basic concepts and presents various types of classification of civilian weapons in the Russian Federation based on the analysis of current legislation and scientific literature; from the standpoint of its optimization, the author examines the issues of control over the circulation of civilian weapons in the Russian Federation. Materials and Methods: the regulatory framework of the study is the current legislation governing the circulation of civilian weapons in the Russian Federation; the methodological basis is the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge, systemic, logical, comparative legal research methods, analysis and generalization. Results of the Study: taking into account the law enforcement practice, the study of statistical information and the practice of the circulation of civilian weapons in some foreign countries, the current positive and negative aspects of the circulation of civilian weapons in the Russian Federation are determined. Findings and Conclusions: it is concluded that it is necessary to amend the Federal Law "On Weapons" N 150-FZ of 13.12.1996.


Civilian weapons, police, arms turnover, statistics, registration, control, duties, storage

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143173259

IDR: 143173259   |   DOI: 10.24411/2312-3184-2020-10099

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