To the question of estimation of the labor potential of a transport company

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The. article discusses the theoretical foundations of the formation of the labor potential of a transport company. It has been determined that the labor potential of an enterprise is formed on the basis of the labor potential of the workers of this enterprise, in connection with which, the definition of the category “labor potential” in the context of modern economic development has been proposed. The article discusses methods for assessing labor potential - the method of scoring components, the method of cluster analysis, the method of indices and the integral method. Using the integral method, the labor potential of one of the railway transport enterprises was assessed over a three-year period, the results of the assessment are presented in the article. The paper also proposes an analysis of a complex indicator of human potential, which was determined on the basis of calculating summary indicators of qualification potential, social potential and motivational potential. In addition, the reserves of the formation of labor potential were determined and recommendations were given on the directions of its improvement.


Labor potential, enterprise, personnel, railway transport, methods of assessing labor potential qualifications, motivation

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IDR: 142225055   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1384

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