To the question of implementation of multi-version execution environment software of onboard autonomous pilotless objects by means of real-time operating system

Автор: Kovalev I.V., Losev V.V., Saramud M.V., Kovalev D.I., Petrosyan M.O.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Математика, механика, информатика

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2017 года.

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The article deals with the functional and algorithmic implementation of multi-version execution environment of modules as components of the onboard software of autonomous pilotless objects by means of real-time operating system. One of the approaches to implement multi-version execution environment implementation of the principle of a pseudo-parallelism (imitation of concurrent execution of tasks (threads) by dividing the time of their execution) are given. It was determined that the functional capacity of the operating system, expressed in the presence of threads scheduler and time base, as a tool for the implementation of actions through a strictly selected intervals, queuing mechanism, messaging, capable of being used as a functional support of sought environment. The article also announced the possibility of porting, which is adapting to the execution on the single-chip microcomputers (microcontrollers), which, in turn, contributes to capability of testing the idea on available workbench. Messaging process between multiple threads has been implemented by cyclogram, as the procedure of returning of voting result by queuing mechanism, which is a safe way of interaction of threads with each other and solves the problem of sharing multiple threads to the same hardware resources, whose role in this case played by memory. The main API-functions accompanying process of algorithmization of the exchange of messages, such as start scheduler, the creation of threads, creating of the queue, entry in the queue, reading out and others are shown. In the article it is viewed messaging mechanism, in conjunction with the scheduler and priority system implemented by real-time operating system, allow building more flexible algorithms of voting, that can vary the weights of N-versioned modules, and as a result, affect the reliability indices of multi-version software, including for implementation multi-version execution environment of onboard software of autonomous pilotless objects.


Multi-version execution environment, voting, tasks, cyclogram, messages, queue, reliability, module

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IDR: 148177690

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