To the housing question in modern Russia

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Article represents the expanded report in a scientific seminar of problem group «Reproduction and national economic growth» the political economy chairs, spent together with chair of economy of social sphere of economic faculty of the Moscow Lomonosov State University and the All-Russia center of a standard of living in March, 2010 the requirement for habitation as one of fundamental problems of mankind, and degree of security by habitation as the major component of level and quality of life of the population of any country Is considered. The reasons of an aggravation and specificity of the maintenance of a housing question because of initial accumulation of the capital and industrial revolution are shown, polemic in the socialist literature 19 century Are analyzed housing problems of the Soviet and Post-Soviet periods of Russia. The social characteristic of privatization of habitation and motives of protest performances of citizens in a number of regions in the beginning of 2010 is given


Housing construction, housing and communal services, housing-kommunal services, private, state and municipal property, habitation privatization, market relations, justice, the social state and the socially-focused economy

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IDR: 143181915

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