Personnel hunger in the tourism industry of Primorsky krai

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of staffing the tourism industry of the Primorsky Krai, the shortage of professionally trained employees who can ensure the stable and harmonious development of tourism economy sector and make the tourist product of the Russian Federation competitive in the world market. The article describes the cause-and-effect relationships of the problem of personnel shortage or “personnel hunger”. The relevance of the topic is due to several factors, including the need to restore the tourism industry after the COVID19, the need to achieve the indicators of strategic tourism development programs and the acute demand for professionally trained personnel, on which the development of the industry depends. The research work was carried out using general scientific research methods (theoretical and empirical), as well as project tools, including PEST-analysis, expert interviews, “problem tree” and others.


Tourism and hospitality industry, the problem of personnel in tourism, personnel hunger in the tourism industry, tourist personnel, shortage of personnel, personnel policy, problems of tourism

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IDR: 140292557

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