What prospects for the development of society were provided by Russian laws and what turned out in reality

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Forecasts for the future development of socio-economic relations in each state can be offered and are offered by many entities: scientists, politicians and political parties, public and religious figures, economists, lawyers, ordinary citizens (the latter in the current era have a unique opportunity to do this in social networks), etc. At the same time, the most important question is how well-founded the forecasts are. In this context, legal acts and other legal documents (constitutions, laws, programs, etc.) deserve attention, which, although not directly, but contain plans and those indicators, and first of all of an economic nature, which are approved for their achievement in the future in various areas. However, in reality, far from all approved forecasts become reality. A clear and characteristic example is associated with the Constitution of the USSR of 1977, according to which the Soviet society was to confidently move along the path of building communism with its supposed abundance of goods and services, but, as is known, in 1991 the USSR collapsed, and instead of communism, the bourgeois-capitalist socio-economic formation returned to Russia. The article compares the prospects for the development of Russian societies and the state, approved at the legal level, and the real results after a certain time in a historical aspect. It is noted that the law as a fundamental social regulator, although based on the most serious level (legal acts are issued according to a complex procedure based on expert assessments by elected representatives), nevertheless often makes mistakes and requires improvement.


Law, social regulator, state, society, legal acts, future, act

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207442

IDR: 170207442   |   DOI: 10.24412/2411-0450-2024-10-2-135-141

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