Kazakh military cap «Malakai» XVIII-XIX centuries

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The article is devoted to the Kazakh cap known as «malakai». It differs from other traditional Kazakh caps by a high conical or cylindrical crown combined with front part, long earpieces and wide rear part which covers warrior's neck and shoulders. Based on the complex analysis of sources, author concludes, that «malakai» cap had polifunctional meaning. Such caps were used both as a warm headdress and a soft protective helmet. A high crown combined with front part, long earpieces and wide rear par amortized an enemy's punch (made by blade weapon) and protected a warrior's head and neck. Similar to the cut helmets were used by warriors of different people's of Asia and Eastern Europe during the Late Middle Ages.


Kkazakhs, armor, headdress, cap "malakai"

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14737882

IDR: 14737882

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