A cenotaph of late catacomb culture from the Khar Zukha I cemetery in Kalmykia

Автор: Ochir-goryaeva M.A., Andreeva M.V.

Журнал: Краткие сообщения Института археологии @ksia-iaran

Рубрика: Проблемы и материалы

Статья в выпуске: 244, 2016 года.

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The paper publishes materials of a spectacular assemblage - cenotaph of theEast Manych Catacomb culture (the second half of the 3rd mill. BC taking into accountcalibrated radiocarbon dates) from Khar Zukha I cemetery in Kalmykia. Characteristics ofthe quasi-grave construction and the composition of the artifacts found inside are analyzedin comparison with a standard burial rite typical of burial sites of this culture. The authorsbelieve that the Khar Zukha I cenotaph shows traces of sacrifices, which were, most likely,performed not to worship ancestors (or at least to worship not only ancestors) but to a deityor gods, the links with which were established during the funeral and memorial rite.


Middle bronze age, steppe fore-caucasus, kurgan cemetery, catacombcultural historical community, east manych catacomb culture, cenotaph

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14328330

IDR: 14328330

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