China in the world of science

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The article discusses the development of science in China in the post-reform period, the structure of subjects of scientific creativity, including higher educational institutions, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, industrial enterprises, analyzes the dynamics of their development and the role in science, scientific and technical process. We have emphasized the planned and purposeful influence of the state on science. The policy of Deng Xiaoping opened up broad opportunities for using in China the best achievements of world science and technology. An important role in the development of Chinese science and technology was played by numerous domestic specialists who received scientific training in the United States and other Western countries. The article deals with the problems of financial, organizational support of fundamental scientific research in the strategic areas of national economy development. Attention is paid to the dynamic development of science, its achievements in various fields of public life, the active participation of China in international scientific research, cooperation with Russian scientists.


Science, china, cooperation, technology, reforms, financing, education, scientists, technology park, project, cas, universities, enterprises, research

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IDR: 148317055   |   DOI: 10.18101/2306-630X-2019-1-3-22

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