Clustering of the shipbuilding industry of the Republic of Crimea

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This article considers cluster formation as a form of spatial organization, as one of the main mechanisms for implementing cluster policy in the Crimea. A prerequisite for clustering the shipbuilding industry in the Republic of Crimea is the presence of production and design components (shipbuilding and ship repair plants, research and design organizations), specialized secondary and higher educational institutions that train specialists for the shipbuilding industry, as well as manufacturers and suppliers from related and service industries, which are associated with cooperative relations. In the course of the research, it was revealed that the synergetic effect, which can be realized through intra-and inter-industry production cooperation, serves to solve such problems as improving the competitiveness of the shipbuilding industry, improving investment activity and innovation component, effective interaction between the business, financial and scientific sectors of the economy. Clustering in the shipbuilding industry will allow you to concentrate existing resources, create opportunities for unified management of production processes, formation of a portfolio of orders, development and modernization of port infrastructure. There is a significant increase in the probability that the cluster form of interaction will become the «point of growth», the formation and development that will ensure the development of the socio-economic system as a whole. Therefore, for the formation of a shipbuilding cluster in the Republic of Crimea, a wide membership of participants in the production process is assumed, United by a common goal -the implementation of a competitive order for the domestic and foreign markets.


Shipbuilding industry, clusterization, cluster policy, synergy, competitiveness, cooperation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142225370   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1338

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