Clinical picture of experimental radiation sickness in dogs following chronical exposure to gamma-radiation, administration of 239Pu and simultaneous exposure to both agents

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Course of radiation sickness in dogs was studied. The dogs a) were exposed to gamma-radiation in a dose 10 R/day, integrated dose was 1300 R; b) had been administered 239Pu (0.05 |xCi/kg monthly, integrated dose 0.2 |xCi/kg) for three months; c) were exposed to both agents. During the follow-up lasted for 8 months two periods were specified: I - period of initial changes (after 2nd-4th week of exposure): unstable changes in specific organs and systems; II - period of marked clinical manifestation (after 2nd-4th month of exposure): stable changes -worsening of general condition, dyspepsia, disturbance of sensitivity, ataxia, advanced changes of morphological composition of peripheral blood, disturbances of secretory stomach functions, marked loss of weight, changes of the cardio-vascular system, hemorhagic diathesis.


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IDR: 170169821

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