Complex of energy-saving elements of technology for cultivation of vegetable crops in controlled conditions

Автор: Vasiliev Sergey Ivanovich, Mashkov Sergey Vladimirovich, Syrkin Vladimir Anatolievich

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки Дона @don-agrarian-science

Рубрика: Технологии, средства механизации и энергетическое оборудование

Статья в выпуске: 4 (52), 2020 года.

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Technologies for growing plants in a controlled environment allow to provide them with the necessary and sufficient amount of mineral and nutrients, as well as maintain optimal microclimate parameters. The problem of the development of such technologies lies in the low energy efficiency of its main elements, for example, fluorescent lighting devices have high energy consumption, and LED lighting is costly, while both are not always able to provide plants with optimal light for a particular species. plants, lighting characteristics. In this regard, the purpose of the work is to develop a complex of energy-saving elements of the technology for growing vegetables in controlled conditions, and the subject of the study is the dependence of the growth rate and development of plants on the factors of electrotechnological impact on them. The proposed method of adaptive lighting and a device for electrical stimulation form a complex of energy-saving elements of the technology of growing vegetable crops. The essence of adaptive lighting is to create optimal, for a certain plant culture, characteristics of the luminous flux, such as the spectral composition, characterized by color coordinates (XYZ, RGB) and the value of the luminous flux I. The essence of electrical stimulation is to create a pulsed electric field with optimal (in terms of intensity E and frequency f) characteristics. The developed methods of adaptive lighting and electrical stimulation are applicable both for growing organic vegetable products and for ace-lerated plant breeding, for example, in the production of virus-free potato seeds. It is shown that the use of electrostimulation of plants and adaptive lighting can reduce their growing season and energy costs by 15-20%, when growing tuber-forming vegetable crops (radishes), when growing green crops (feathers, dill, lettuce) - 25-40%, when growing meristemic cultures (microclonal potato sprouts) - 30-40%.


Electrotechnology, electrostimulation, magnetic stimulation, adaptive lighting, supplementary lighting, biotechnological plant, biomodule, automatic control

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140257942

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