Complex actions of preoperative preparation in treatment of patients with large incisional hernias

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Results of complex treatment of 209 patients with large incisional hernias are presented. At 85 patients actions of the developed multi-purpose complex for preoperative preparation are applied. The assessment of efficiency of preparation according to the data reflecting a condition of functioning of respiratory, cardiovascular systems and regionarny haemodynamics, allows to carry out an objective individual choice of a rational way of plasticity. Use of preoperative complex measures forms conditions for successful performance at the majority of patients with large incisional hernias ways of repairs with full of recovery of topography of anatomic structures, leads to reduction specific weight of correction methods, to decrease frequencies of development of system complications without development of lethal outcomes.


Incisional hernia, preoperative preparation, choice of hernia repairs

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140188132

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