The concepts of the essence of the state

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The article is dedicated to the concepts of the essence of state. The understanding of the concepts of the essence of state by theoreticians of state and law and other modern Russian scientists is considered. The correlation between the concepts of the essence of state and the theories of the origin of state, the approaches to the definition of state, state’s attributes, types of state, the concepts of a future state and the concepts of law as well as ideologies are described. An approach in which the concepts of the essence of state are classified according to subjects, objectives and methods of implementation of the government is suggested. Special features of class, liberal, social-democratic, race (Nazi) and nationalist (ethnocratic) concepts, theories of the rule-of-law and the welfare state as the concepts of the essence of the state are noted. Some conservative visions for a future state, such as neo-pagan and neo-Eurasianist are pointed out. A modern approach to the empire as an expression of the essence of the state is characterized.


Concept, essence, state, law, theories of state, signs of state, class, general social, power, ideology, origin of state, future of state, empire

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IDR: 142233771

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