The concept of coevolution as a scientific problem in the context of non-classical epistemology

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The article is devoted to the current problem of the methodology of cognition. The characteristic features of the concept of the biosphere and coevolution, organically woven into the plot of non-classical epistemology, are highlighted and described. Based on the analysis of the two-pronged problem, the author comes to the conclusion that coevolution is a scientific problem. This problem has not been sufficiently studied and requires further research.

V.a. lektorsky, n.n. moiseev, synergetics, ecological imperative, criticism, subjectocentrism, scientocentrism, biosphere, noosphere

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203331   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-177-179

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