Competitive advantages of the development of service enterprises at the stage of socio-economic integration

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The current situation has led to the need to optimize management principles and approaches in the activities of enterprises, including services, in connection with which, in the public administration of the Donetsk People’s Republic, there is a general trend towards a program-planned management system. In turn, the starting point of strategic planning is often the definition and formulation of the mission of planning and organized activities in general, the meaning of the implementation of such management in the context of the formation of a strategy for the development of service enterprises based on competitive advantages. The purpose of the research is to systematize the competitive advantages of the development of service enterprises at the stage of socio-economic integration of the Donetsk People’s Republic. The economy of the DPR has a significant labor potential with a high level of education (which was previously always characteristic of the population of the Donetsk region), work experience in various fields, abilities and motivation for retraining, retraining, entrepreneurship. Human, labor resources as a factor of growth (development) and a carrier of innovative, creative thought can contribute to the development of innovative activities and innovative spheres, the productivity of which in the modern world determines the success of all other areas of social activity, which forms competitive advantages of the development of economic sectors in the republic. The main directions of competitive advantages of enterprises in general in the DPR are prerequisites for the formation of positive trends and they can be described by the following provisions: in the conditions of integration, all possible scenarios of socio-economic development of the territories of the DPR are considered according to the experience of the development of territories and other scenarios used in the scientific and expert environment in the long term until 2030, taking into account the entire production and raw materials the potential of the territories, while all ministries and departments are involved, special coordination centers for mutual cooperation and development of the DPR territories have been established.


Competitive advantages, service sector enterprises, socio-economic integration, strategic planning, competition, territory, strategy, potential, economy, forecast

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IDR: 142237304   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2717

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