Conservative treatment of radiation-induced damages to the lung complicated by abcess formation

Автор: Kursova L.V., Ragulin Yu.А., Zolotkov А.G., Mardynsky Yu.S.

Журнал: Сибирский онкологический журнал @siboncoj

Рубрика: Клинические исследования

Статья в выпуске: 3 (51), 2012 года.

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Treatment outcomes of radiation-induced damages to the lungs complicated by abscess formation in 12 patients treated for stage IIA-IIIB stage lung cancer were presented. Treatment of complicated pneumonitis and pneumofibrosis appeared to be long and complex. The 1,6-fold increase in the integrated life quality value (QOLi-NS) and 1,7-fold increase in the Karnofsky performance status were observed after the use of the complex of medical procedures. Arrosion pulmonary hemorrhage was a cause of death in patients with lung abscess and pleural empyema. Early detection and adequate treatment of radiation-induced pneumonitis in lung cancer patients is necessary to prevent purulent and destructive processes in a pulmonary tissue.


Lung cancer, external beam radiation therapy, lung abscess, radiation-induced damages

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14056224

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