A checklist of the aquatic and semiaquatic flora of natural park "Chusovaya river"

Автор: Grudanov Nikolay Yuryevich, Tretyakova Alyona Sergeevna

Журнал: Вестник Пермского университета. Серия: Биология @vestnik-psu-bio

Рубрика: Ботаника

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2019 года.

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This article presents a checklist of the flora of water reservoirs and watercourses of the natural park «Chusovaya River», based on our own research materials and herbarium collections. For the species are given information on the occurrence in the reservoirs of the park, life forms, ecological group and features of geographical distribution. Alien species are identified, are given them origins, ways of immigration, the degree of naturalization achieved. The studied flora includes 169 species, 82 genera and 43 families. Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Potamogetonaceae dominate in the family-specific spectrum. The largest genera are Potamogeton (12 species), Salix (10 species), Carex (9 species) and Juncus (8 species). The fraction of aquatic plants comprises 29 species (17% of the flora). Its main part (28 species) is represented by polycarpic plants, mainly long-shoots (72%). The fraction of coastal aquatic plants includes most of the species (83%). Polycarpic (69%) also dominate among them, mainly rhizomatous (44%). The absolute majority of species are native (98%). Among them are dominant wide-areal species - holarctic and eurasian (56%), plurizonal (57%) and boreal (24%). The alien fraction in the flora of the park is represented by only 4 species (Elodea canadensis, Epilobium adenocaulon, Impatiens glandulifera, Iris pseudacorus). On the territory of the natural park were found 2 species included in the Red Book of the Sverdlovsk Region (Nuphar lutea and Dactylorhiza incarnata).


Water reservoirs flora, vascular plants, middle ural, sverdlovsk region

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147227086

IDR: 147227086   |   DOI: 10.17072/1994-9952-2019-3-227-239

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