Control over changes in the conditions of switches in the conditionally closed ring network

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Modern highly mechanized and electrified agriculture places high demands on the reliability and continuity of electricity supply. The shortage of electricity, interruptions in the power supply of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex entail both direct economic damage associated with its restoration and technological damage caused by the deterioration of agricultural products. The power supply organizations in this case also suffer losses due to the non-payment of the under-utilized electricity. Consequently, the consumer and the electricity producer are stakeholders in improving the reliability of power supply. To improve the reliability of power supply to agricultural consumers, in some cases, taking into account the configuration of electrical distribution networks and taking into account the presence of responsible consumers, they create a conditionally closed ring network. The power supply of individual consumers can be carried out from different transformers of the same or different two-transformer substations. For the implementation of changes in the power circuit of individual sections of the ring network, it provides sectioning switches (CB) and an automatic reserve switch-on device (ATS). According to the method proposed by the authors, since the appearance of the first inrush of short-circuit current on the tires of the main power source, simultaneously begin the countdown of the exposure time of protection of the sectional and head switches of the main power source line, while controlling the moment of fault current deviation. If at the moment of the end of the exposure time of the CB protection, the short-circuit current did not turn off, but turned off at the time of the end of the exposure time of the GW protection, they conclude that the sectioning failure fails and the main power supply line head switches are turned off.


Control, switch, ring network, automatic switch on reserve

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IDR: 147230883

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