Large transformable precision antenna based on solid reflecting panels

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Development of modern information space communications systems is moving towards the development of high-frequency bands. This is mainly due to the need to organize high-speed data transmission channels. To successfully solve these problems antenna systems with precision reflectors transformable large aperture are used. Convertible configuration of the reflector determines the requirements for the placement of the antenna under the fairing of the launch vehicle. Accuracy reflecting reflector surface profile is associated with the operation of the antenna in high frequency bands. The necessary accuracy of the reflector can be achieved by a rigid solid panel by using as a reflecting surface. A search was conducted of such antennas in existence today. It showed that the existing concepts have several design flaws. The paper presents the design of large-size precision antenna on the basis of solid-state reflective panels, which has several advantages over its peers. The main advantages are reliability and high rate of transformation. High reliability is achieved through the use of a small number of mechanical components and the use of a fundamentally new antenna deployment scheme allows obtaining a high rate of transformation. Accuracy of the reflecting surface of the reflector is one of the basic parameters and depends on the stiffness of the structure as a whole. The proposed design of the power circuit can provide sufficient rigidity at a relatively low weight of the antenna. As part of the work carried out modal analysis developed design and parametric model is obtained, which can be used for the selection of the optimum ratio of the mass and stiffness of the antenna depending on the desired aperture diameter. The main material used in construction is carbon fiber, which, thanks to its properties, is ideal for creating large-scale structures of high rigidity. Using the developed design of antennas on modern spacecraft communications will improve the quality of services provided to subscribers. The results of this work can be used to create systems of communication with the spacecraft in deep space research.


Solid reflecting panels, transformable reflector, large antenna, satellite communications systems, high-frequency range

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177576

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