Cultural values as an alternative investment object

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The article analyzes the features of cultural values as an object of alternative investments, in particular, the specifics of the art market, its structure and dynamics, price-forming factors. The art market is compared with the stock market. The differences between the art market and the stock market are shown. The latest statistics are presented. Considered art indexes that allow you to study and track changes in the art market. The prospects for the influence of the crisis caused by the pandemic on the art market have been determined (according to the author, the art market will experience the least shocks, cultural values will remain objects of investment, prices for art objects will not decrease). The need to change the business models of market entities and its infrastructure, which allows investing in art in the context of digitalization, was noted - the new technologies being introduced will attract new investors.


Cultural values as an object of alternative investments, the specifics of the art market, online sales in the art market, the crisis in the art market, art indices, a family of price indices

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170173170   |   DOI: 10.24411/2072-4098-2021-10103

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