Landscape approach to the territorial planning of environmental settlements with the help of plastic relief maps

Автор: Stepanova V.I., Ishkhanova A.A., Stepanov M.R.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 5 (74), 2018 года.

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The aim of the study was to describe individual farms on the elements of relief, taking into account the characteristics of the natural territorial complex. To establish the structure of the soil cover it is necessary to determine its integrity and natural elementary cells in it that are in certain relations with one another. N.M. Sibirtsev introduced the term "plastic of relief". He believed that "soil spots and ribbons are at the same time spots and ribbons of relief" or that "the main value is the relief of the terrain, always reflecting (almost with photographic accuracy) the nature of the soil". Meanwhile, along with field and laboratory studies, there are a number of cartographic methods that allow a remote analysis of the territory of both future construction sites and commissioned construction projects. One of these methods, which has been tested in this sector of the economy, is the technology of "plastic relief", developed in the Pushchin scientific center under the leadership of Honored scientist of the Russian Federation professor I.N. Stepanova. The developed method allows to determine the position karstic forms, landslide objects, direction and accumulation of surface and groundwater with a high degree of reliability. Plastic map gives a new, previously undetectable by traditional maps, information about the relationship of the relief of the city and its infrastructure (roads, bridges, buildings, underground utility services) with elements of nature (groundwater and undergroundwater, rocks, soils). In general terms, the most important things in the properties of land are on what element of the relief the lands of a particular site are located and what areas they occupy within the increases and decreases. This circumstance (the position of land on the elements of relief) is of paramount importance for the rational management of the economy. The difference between soil increases and decreases in water and thermal regimes helps to orient when choosing the direction in the management of the economy: arable land, pastures, forest plantations, livestock, creation of ponds for fish farming.


The method of plastic relief, map of plastic of the relief, settlement, land-use planning, hydroecological problems

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IDR: 147228754   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.5.30

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