Personal physical safety of employees of the internal affairs bodies

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This article examines the concept of personal physical security of employees of internal affairs bodies in full, revealing the essence and problematic of the issue raised. Due to the progressive growth of crime and various external threats and internal contradictions, the chosen topic is the most relevant, since at the moment the issues of personal safety of police officers are vital and have a large number of nuances that require careful consideration. When studying the information, within the framework of the question posed, an analysis was carried out of various factors that, to one degree or another, can affect the personal safety of police officers in the performance of official duties. To some extent, the elements of the system of legal, tactical and psychological measures that ensure the preservation of the life and health of an employee, which are the main components of effective work, will be affected. Ensuring the personal physical safety of a police officer is one of the main and priority activities of police officers.


Physical safety, an employee of the department of internal affairs, efficiency, system, techniques, element

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