Personality-oriented approach to the development of emotional regulation in future medical professionals

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The purpose of the publication is to actualize the problem of the development of emotional regulation in medical college students as future mid-level medical specialists. It is known that the medical profession belongs to professions characterized by significant emotional, physical and mental stress, which can cause professional deformations in specialists, including emotional burnout. Experiencing the influence of emotiogenic factors, negative emotional experiences, the specialist intuitively resorts to the mechanisms of psychological defense, which contributes to the development, on the one hand, of non-constructive strategies of professional behavior towards the patient (rudeness, callousness, indifference); on the other hand, the constant encounter with difficulties, with the experience of negative emotions, with difficult events (illness, suffering, death) reduces the personal emotional resource and leads the specialist to emotional burnout. Personality-oriented and axiological approaches were chosen to study the indicated problem. The study proves that emotional regulation develops in stages, and the first stages are logical to the ontological development of the individual. In the course of the pedagogical experiment, it was proved that the students of the medical college deliberately chose their future profession, demonstrate sufficient educational motivation, while just over a quarter of the students have the optimal level of development of emotional regulation. The conducted research proves the necessity and possibility of pedagogical influence during the period of professional training of future mid-level medical specialists. As a solution to this problem, the author of the publication proposes to develop emotional regulation at the stage of professional education. The development of the value-semantic level of emotional regulation in the process of vocational education is provided by a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the interiorization of professional values and meanings by students of the medical college. Among the conditions tested were the development of reflexive skills, value-semantic mediation, mastering strategies of emotional regulation. The results of the experiment confirmed the legitimacy of the developed theoretical provisions and organizational and pedagogical conditions.


Emotional regulation, students, mid-level medical specialist, emotional burnout, professional deformations, image

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14120876   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/21-1/13

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