Large-scale investment projects as a way of state support for the effective use of land resources in the Omsk region

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Dynamic change in the external economic situation in Russia because of the total imposition of sanctions helps the development of the internal market of agricultural products to ensure the food security of the country and regions. Government, for their part, performs various of financial and non-financial support of agricultural manufactures. One of the effective instruments of government support of effective land use in the Omsk region is support for large-scale (priority) investment projects of the region. Therefore in the article reveals features of the implementation of this tool in the context of funding sources regulation of land relations investment in the agro-industrial complex during the planning horizon as well as the main financial and economic indicators of priority investment projects. In the research the structure of the existing large-scale investment projects of the Omsk region by industry and territorial characteristics is analyzed promising investment projects of the agro-industrial complex of the region have also been identified. The main effects for the regional economy as a result of the implementation of large-scale (priority) investment projects are also shown. The main ones are the expansion of existing agricultural production; improving the efficiency of land use; increasing profitability by reducing the cost of production, increasing labor productivity and introducing new technologies.


Governmental support, land relations, sources of funding, investment projects, omsk region

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142235973   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2617

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