Mass speech culture in terms of social communications mediatization

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Purpose. The article is dedicated to the study of mass speech culture as demonstration of a broad trend to social communications mediatization. Mass speech culture is considered to be the standards of verbal communication used by a number of people regardless of their status and social role in public communication and in everyday life. The author defines mass culture of Russian speech as elements of discursive practices accepted as a social standard by the majority of Russian speakers. One the one hand, mass speech culture mediatization manifests itself by the fact that patterns of verbal behavior and linguistic innovations are actively communicated and replicated in the mass media and social networks. On the other hand, modern media themselves extensively collaborate with socio-cultural practices and form the background for communication and language norms change. Results. The research is aimed at three types of mass speech culture manifestation that have cause-and-effect relationship with mediatization procedures. They are mass interpretation of the speech standard, subject-matter presuppositions / restrictions and a fast-paced spread of speech innovations. Essential features of mass speech culture are concluded with reference to the survey conducted among philologists and the representative selection of “Medialogy” database. Mass speech culture is characterized by vague conception of the speech standard, extension of topics admitted in public communication, virus spread of innovations and reduced introspection towards them. It can be viewed as modern media practices influence as well as their forming factors. Conclusion. Mediatization concept implementation for reasoning the interconnections between mass media development and mass speech culture changes within the interdisciplinary framework can be regarded as the research prospect by the author.


Mass culture, culture of spoken language, discursive practices, mediatization, russian language

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IDR: 147220126   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2019-18-6-177-187

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