Materials for the flora of Volgograd region

Автор: Senator Stepan Aleksandrovich, Vasjukov Vladimir Mikhajlovich, Zibzeev Eugeny Grigor'evich, Korolyuk Andrew Yur'evich, Saksonov Sergej Vladimirovich

Журнал: Фиторазнообразие Восточной Европы @phytodiveuro

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.12, 2018 года.

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The results of the floristic survey of 15 geographical points located on the territory of Volgograd region (Russia) are presented. A total of 565 vascular plant species belonging to 139 families were found. The authors found the location of 18 species listed in the Red Book of Russian Federation (2008): Artemisia salsoloides, Colchicum laetum, Delphinium puniceum, Fritillaria ruthenica, Genista tanaitica, Hedysarum cretaceum, Hyssopus cretaceus, Iris pumila, Jurinea cretacea, Koeleria sclerophylla, Lepidium meyeri, Matthiola fragrans, Otites hellmannii, Pulsatilla prat- ensis, Stipa dasyphylla, S. pulcherrima, S. zalesskii , Tulipa schrenkii and Red Book of Volgograd region (2017): Asperula tephrocarpa, Centaurea gerberi, Crambe tataria, Jacobaea schwetzowii, Juniperus sabina, Jurinea ledebourii, Lepidium coronopi- folium, Scrophularia cretacea, Stipa cretacea.


Flora, vascular plants, rare species, Volgograd region

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148314636   |   DOI: 10.24411/2072-8816-2018-10032

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