Media of the Kazakhstan diaspora: institutional format and narratives

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This article analyses the media of the Kazakhstan diaspora. It identifies the status of the media of ethnic groups and their content in the post-Soviet space. The diasporas of Kazakhstan are presented in the article in the institutional format of the diaspora’s media activity in the country and in the narratives used in these sources. The specifics of covering diaspora issues in the Kazakh media itself are examined separately. The empirical material consists of ethnic media operating at a given time and modern Kazakh media resources. The article reveals that the thematic lists and narratives from the Kazakh media are consonant with the national media: a simplified version of historical data, a list of ethnographic features and a traditional narrative about the brotherhood of peoples. The main results of the study are determined by the medialogical approach and correlate with the ethnological approach. Particular attention is paid to the diversified use of traditional and new forms of media to express the interests of national diasporas and their narratives.


Diaspora, identity, media, media content, narrative, ethnic publication

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147243250   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh240210

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