Media text and the problem of social oblivion

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The article raises and justifies the problem of social oblivion actualized by mediatext. The author comes to the conclusion that social oblivion interconnected with the mechanisms of cultural memory in a media can be implemented in two ways. First, it is a traditional and well-researched in contemporary humanities trend determined by the ability and the functional value of a media intended to see and select the essential facts of the culture, when there is a gradual progressive obliteration of contemporary meanings and their replacement with newer, first of all, value and significance. The second trend is the subject of scientific reflection. It is defined by the following, pathogen at its core, feature of contemporary media text as it combines the desire for objectivity, relevance, adequate relationship with reality, and the production of synchronous «blindness», neglect of public importance and already fixed the facts, events, meanings. As a result, the fullness of social reality is forgotten.


Mediatext, genres of media text, fact, social oblivion, "infomative memory", cultural memory, social communication

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IDR: 147218703

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