Mechanisms of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity in tourism

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The article considers the mechanisms of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity in tourism. It has been established that the infrastructure of entrepreneurship in tourism remains characterized by organizational disorder, weak partnerships, and underdevelopment of state and public institutions. Therefore, the question arises of strengthening state influence on the dynamics of improving such components of infrastructure as institutional, financial and credit, organizational and technical, information and analytical. It was found out that the development of tourism entrepreneurship is hindered by the imperfection of the institution of long-term lending. Commercial banks, as a rule, are not interested in providing long-term loans to small and medium-sized tourism enterprises and prefer short-term loans at high interest rates, which does not allow them to introduce the latest technologies and update fixed assets. It was found out that the mechanism of state regulation of the development of entrepreneurship in tourism can be defined as the subordinate activity of state institutions, which is based on economic and administrative methods and is aimed at supporting, developing and ensuring the competitiveness of tourist entities, that is, it is a set of consistent, interrelated measures and methods of state influence that are applied in practice in order to implement socio-economic state policy in priority areas and sectors of the tourism industry.


Mechanism, state, regulation, entrepreneurship, activity, tourism, competitiveness, support, institution, business

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142241442   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3474

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