Method for verification of E-marketplace model by graph visualization

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This work discusses feasibility of dynamic graph visualization method application for e-marketplace model verification. Introduction is concerned with the main research goals and problems. It describes of experiments for data verification and completeness checking. The main part of the article presents detailed description of procedures for verification the results of market environment computing applied for particular enterprise selected for experiment. Here model verification is correctness of transformation from conceptual model to simulation. According to this research, the conceptual model is description of logic of potential interaction between market agents. This work also presents results of performed experiments confirming that developed model corresponds to conceptual model. Authors conclude that e-marketplace environment is a socioeconomic network. We propose arguments to apply dynamic graph visualization for e-marketplace model verification.


Visualization, complex networks, graph model, e-marketplaces, model verification

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140191792   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2015.13.4.10

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